Monday, March 9, 2009


I was catching up with an old friend of mine over the internet recently, and as it often does, music came up. I asked him who he had been listening to lately, and he asked me if I had heard of K'NAAN. I had no idea who he was talking about, but he insisted I check it out. The very next day I saw an advert for this show which happened to be the following night, and so I went. Before heading to the show I downloaded K'NAAN's album, and I wasn't really impressed. His live show however, changed my mind and I think everyone should give him a listen. I took quite a bit of video at the show; so I took a few of the best clips and attempted to edit them together, I'm still getting the hang of seamlessly taking you through the show using multiple cuts. Anyway, check it out.

K'NAAN from Aaron Nicholls on Vimeo.

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