Sunday, October 19, 2008


If you are unfamiliar with Devildriver, please go watch this video before reading on. Now that you are familiar with these crazy assholes, you can understand why my buddy Matt and I decided to go see them last week, and still haven’t stopped talking about it. When we arrived at the Roseland, we were ushered to the Bar as opposed to heading up the stairs to the concert hall as we normally would. They had cleared the majority of the bar out, and were using the stage that was normally reserved for smaller bar shows. I heard someone giving a Roseland staff member some shit about it not being in the concert hall and the staff member said “This is the first time this has ever happened!” I didn’t realize it at the time, but what had occurred to me after leaving was that the Roseland had actually done all of us a favor. I imagine that because the pre-sales were so discouraging, they moved the concert to the bar because it was a smaller area, and had the show been upstairs there would have been no pit, and it would have turned out much like the Kataklysm show. I say Bravo Roseland Theater.But then again, I could have no idea what I'm talking about. When Matt and I arrived, Snot was playing. I had never heard of them, but I enjoyed it very much. There were 2 girls that also enjoyed it very much, and they got up on stage to show it. There is a video below of these two girls and I strongly suggest you check it out.
Snot from Aaron Nicholls on Vimeo.
Once Devildriver got on stage, the place erupted. Unlike the Kataklysm show, the majority of the crowd was pit ready. I think the lead singer of Devildriver put it best when he said “We want everyone to be safe, but we want extreme viciousness as well. It’s really weird how it works.” He told us this right after he stopped the show because a 350lb guy had gone down and wasn’t getting up. It took 5 Roseland security guards to literally drag him out of the middle of the pit, and I can almost guarantee you, his leg was broken. As soon as he was clear, they started back up and the “extreme viciousness” continued. Watch the video, it gives you a little taste of it. I think the show was great and I have the bruises to prove it.

Devildriver from Aaron Nicholls on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice! those girls were the highlight of the night.. o and devildriver was pretty good too...